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Glycolic Acid Tattoo Removal

Glycolic acid tattoo removal is a method similar to saline removal which is kinder to the skin because our body naturally produces this acid. It can take a few appointments (usually 2-3 depending on the depth, density, skin type are some factors to consider) to remove or reshape an old brow tattoo prior to getting a new set. Assessment is a must to determine the number of treatment necessary to achieve the desired result. This can be a lengthy process as healing period between appointments is between 4-6 weeks.
Minor reshaping or removal may take less time but the process of healing period is the same.

Mystique Nano Microblading


For the ladies who want something that is natural looking yet stylish without not much effort, this is your perfect design. 

This design is popular to those who wear very little makeup. If you're not sure which design to choose, you can always pick this and go to a more enhanced design at your 12-24months touch up.

Mystique Powder Ombre


This is the perfect design for my ladies who absolutely love their insta- ready snatched brows. No need to worry about spending time doing your eyebrows every morning and feeling anxious about making them even.


This design is suited for all ages. Always ready to go eyebrows even when you're just at home!!!

Mystique Combo Powder


Combo powder is perfect for women who love the natural look but a little more defined. This design is your "In-between" and very popular to those who can't quite decide which way to go, natural or defined.


Hair strokes are created towards the front area of the eyebrows and then given the powder effect in the tail area.


Colour Correction


From $250 - $300 per session


 Colour correction is needed when the colour of the pigment has turned into an ashy green/blue shade or orange and red colour. Assessment is required in order to determine the number of session needed to achieve the best result.

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